TAHC Brochures

This web page provides access to all outreach publications currently available from TAHC in print, PDF format, or both. The publications presented here are organized according to species.

Cattle & Bison

Topic English Spanish
AnthraxPDF filePDF file
BrucellosisPDF filePDF file
Bovine Viral DiarrheaPDF filePDF file
Cattle Biosecurity GuidePDF filePDF file
Cattle Fever TickPDF filePDF file
Cattle Fever Tick FAQPDF file 
Cattle Fever Tick Vaccine FAQPDF file 
Foot-and-Mouth Disease*PDF file 
TrichomoniasisPDF filePDF file
Trichomoniasis ProgramPDF filePDF file
Trichomoniasis - Female CattlePDF file 
TuberculosisPDF filePDF file
Protecting the US from FMD*PDF file 


AnthraxPDF filePDF file
Contagious Equine Metritis*PDF file 
Equine Biosecurity GuidePDF filePDF file
Equine Herpes MyeloencephalopathyPDF filePDF file
Equine Infectious AnemiaPDF filePDF file
Equine PiroplasmosisPDF filePDF file
Equine Viral Arteritis*PDF file 
Vesicular StomatitisPDF filePDF file


African Swine FeverPDF filePDF file
African Swine Fever: Biosecurity Measures For Feral Swine FacilitiesPDF filePDF file
AnthraxPDF filePDF file
Swine BrucellosisPDF filePDF file
Feral Swine ProgramsPDF filePDF file
Foot-and-Mouth Disease*PDF file 
PseudorabiesPDF filePDF file
Swine Biosecurity GuidePDF filePDF file
Swine Sale BiosecurityPDF file 
Swine Validation BiosecurityPDF file 

Sheep & Goats

AnthraxPDF filePDF file
Foot-and-Mouth Disease*PDF file 
ScrapiePDF filePDF file

Elk & Deer

AnthraxPDF filePDF file
Chronic Wasting DiseasePDF file PDF file
Exotic CWD Susceptible Species FAQPDF file 
CWD HCP Compliance GuidePDF file 
CWD Herd Plans FAQPDF file 
Foot-and-Mouth Disease*PDF file 

Poultry & Fowl

Avian InfluenzaPDF filePDF file
Avian Influenza: Biosecurity Measures For PoultryPDF filePDF file
Virulent Newcastle DiseasePDF filePDF file
Fowl Registration ProgramPDF filePDF file
Infectious LaryngotracheitisPDF filePDF file
Pullorum-TyphoidPDF filePDF file
Pullorum-Typhoid Testing FAQPDF filePDF file


Authorized Personnel ProgramPDF file 
History of the TAHCPDF file 
TAHC Career OpportunitiesPDF file 
TAHC's Role in emergency ManagementPDF filePDF file


Biosecurity: Protecting Your Livestock and PoultryPDF file 
Livestock Biosecurity TipsPDF file 
Take Care of Your Livestock in an EmergencyPDF file 
Exhibition Livestock Biosecurity GuidePDF file 
General Requirements for Youth Exhibitions & EventsPDF file 
Protecting Livestock when Disaster StrikesPDF filePDF file
* Denotes USDA brochure.