CVI forms spread out.

Certificates of Veterinary Inspection

Ordering Options

There are several ways to order Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (CVIs). CVIs, also known as health certificates and passports, include Certificates of Veterinary Inspection – Large Animals, Equine Certificates of Veterinary Inspection, and Equine Interstate Movement Passports.

Veterinarians may purchase health certificates for pets/companion animals by contacting the Texas Veterinary Medical Association at 512-452-4224.

Important: To purchase Certificates of Veterinary Inspection, veterinarians will need to provide a valid Texas license number and an active Category II accreditation number. To check your accreditation status, please contact a USDA Accreditation Coordinator at 512-383-2400 or

The table below summarizes information about the different ordering methods and vendors. Note that the base price of a Texas CVI is $7. Online purchases are subject to processing/convenience fees to cover payment processing and the support of the Texas.Gov infrastructure. Click on an order method link for further details.

Order Method CVI Format Processing & Shipping Time Payment Method(s) Cost Per Certificate
TAHC eCVI Web Application Electronic N/A Credit card or electronic check $7
+ convenience fee
Third Party eCVI Vendor Electronic Contact vendor directly for pricing and other information: Global Vet Link, New Planet Technologies, Vet Sentry
Order Books Online Paper,
Books of 10 CVIs
1 business day processing
2-3 business days shipping via
Lonestar Overnight (in Texas)
Credit card or
electronic check
+ $3 processing fee
per book of 10 CVIs
Order Books By Mail Paper,
Books of 10 CVIs
1 business day processing upon receipt of order
2-3 business days shipping via
Lonestar Overnight (in Texas)
Check or
money order

If you have questions or need additional information about ordering health certificates, please contact TAHC at 1-800-550-8242 Ext. 788.

Online — e-CVIs from TAHC eCVI — Order Now

  • TAHC eCVIs must be purchased one at a time.
  • TAHC eCVIs must completed at the time of purchase.

Online — Books of Health Certificates — Order Now

  • Veterinarians may place online orders for books of paper health certificates using the secure Health Certificate/Passport Ordering Application.
  • While in the application, use the navigation links and buttons provided rather than your web browser's back or forward buttons.

Mail — Books of Health Certificates — Order Now

  • Download the printable CVI order form. Mail the completed form and payment in full to the address on the form.
  • Health certificates are sold in books of 10. The minimum order is 1 book.